Finding Solid Ground Intensive - 5 Sessions (35CE)
BundleIf you’re working with trauma, you’re working with clients who dissociate. Yet many therapists do not know how to spot subtle dissociation or know how to respond when a client cannot get grounded. And only one program for treating dissociation.
1. Dissociation & the Finding Solid Ground Program -RECORDING 11/15/24 -Dr. Bethany Brand & Dr. Ruth Lanius
CourseWhat You Need to Know about Dissociation, Dissociative Disorders & the Finding Solid Ground (FSG) Program.
Pre-order available now!
2. Grounding & Separating Past from Present - 7CE - 01/31/25 - Dr. Ruth Lanius + Dr. Bethany Brand
Courseo Why clients may not want to get grounded and how to work through that o Why do some clients have such difficulty separating past from present o What to do with clients who have dissociative parts who actively threaten and traumatize other part
Pre-order available now!
3. Trauma & Breaking the Self-Injury Cycle - 7CE - 02/28/25 - Dr. Ruth Lanius + Dr. Bethany Brand
CourseHow to Heal Trauma’s Impact on the Brain & Helping to Break the Cycle of Self-injurious Behavior.
Pre-order available now!
4. Trauma-Based Thinking - 7CE - 04/25/25 - Dr. Ruth Lanius + Dr. Bethany Brand
CourseAddressing Trauma-based Thinking & Getting and Helping Clients Get Safer.
Pre-order available now!
5. Awareness & Comfort - 7CE - 06/02/24 - Dr. Ruth Lanius + Dr. Bethany Brand
CourseHelping Clients Improve Their Awareness & Comfort with Emotions, Their Bodies, and Their Parts.